The 10 Best Flea And Tick Sprays

This wiki has been updated 28 times since it was first published in October of 2016. Biting insects aren't just an uncomfortable irritant for cats and dogs; they can transmit some pretty nasty diseases to both animals and humans alike. The good news is that you can provide a strong defense against pests by applying one of these flea and tick sprays to a pet's coat. Made with natural ingredients, they'll prevent unwanted passengers from hitching a ride on your furry friend. When users buy our independently chosen editorial picks, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
August 15, 2019:
Because I've been a pet owner from the time I was five years old, I guess I've always felt strongly about protecting my fur babies from irritants and pests. Quite frankly, I'm not afraid to say that I loathe the very sight of even a single flea in my dog's head (I want the insect dead instantly). While I do make use of traditional flea treatments, there is something to be said about taking a natural approach to pest control in certain situations, especially around furry family members and other humans. The less poison you can have around your dogs and cats, the better off they'll be. For that reason alone, it's important to consider using one of these flea and tick sprays to at least mitigate an infestation in between regular bathing and applying spot-on or internal flea and tick medications, especially when you take your pets into wooded areas often or you let them remain outdoors in the backyard for extended periods of time. These sprays can also be used in conjunction with flea collars for both dogs and cats. While many of these sprays kill the vermin, it's important to be realistic about your expectations and not rely solely on just one product alone to do the job when you have a really bad infestation. The benefits of many of these sprays include an ease of use, relatively pleasant odors, and mixtures of essential oils to rid Fido or Kitty of unwanted insect hitchhikers.
Wonderside Natural is made with a high concentration of cedar oil and is safe to rub directly into a dog or cat's coat. It's also available in lemongrass, peppermint, rosemary, and cedarwood scents. I added Yaya Organics Dog Whisperer as a great option for camping, as it can repel black flies as well as mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. The Vet's Best Flea Killer is a great option for breeds of any size and consists of a water-based formula that won't stain clothes or furniture. The Honeydew Pet Pleasant doubles as both a deodorizer and bug deterrent. I also included Dr. Killigan's Six Feet Under due to its potent clove and cottonseed oil ingredients, allowing it to eliminate virtually all stages of the flea lifecycle. The strong aroma of the Cedar Bug-Free triggers an automatic response by the respiratory system of many pests, causing their spiracles to close up and the bug to essentially suffocate. Despite its very strong odor, the Adams Plus is quite effective, thanks to its use of an insect growth regulator to prevent reinfestation. Finally, I included the Terra Pet Naturals because of its use of apple cider vinegar to help nourish a pet's coat and skin.