The 7 Best Physical Science Textbooks

This wiki has been updated 24 times since it was first published in February of 2019. No education is complete without a solid grounding in the physical sciences — physics, chemistry, geology, and the like. The textbooks on this list offer readers various levels of instruction in the field, regardless of whether they're used in a classroom setting or as self-guided study aids to prepare for an important exam. Our selections includes editions suitable for just about any age range. When users buy our independently chosen editorial choices, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
March 07, 2019:
We strove to find a balance between textbooks that took a deep dive into the topics at hand and lighter options that offered more of a bird's-eye view. Holt Physical Science and An Introduction to Physical Science are good examples of the latter, while Tillery's Physical Science will challenge even those students who have a firm background in the subject. Our top selection, Conceptual Physical Science, can serve as a bridge between the two, as it does explore more advanced topics, but does so in a way that engages rather than intimidates.