The 10 Best Cat Teaser Wands

This wiki has been updated 15 times since it was first published in May of 2020. Often consisting of little more than a stick, a length of string, and a lure, teaser wands provide simple fun for cats. As straightforward as their basic designs might be, there are hundreds of options to choose from, though many are not considered safe for pets. Our comprehensive selection includes a wide variety of choices that all take into account your cat's well-being. When users buy our independently chosen editorial selections, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
June 25, 2020:
Arguably one of the most popular types of cat toys in existence, teaser wands stimulate felines by simulating the swift and unpredictable movements of prey. While humankind labors away, creating robotic playthings the likes of which the cat-world has never seen before, their fur babies are often content with little more than sticks, strings, and empty boxes. Of course, the popularity of teaser wands might have everything to do with the level of interaction they encourage between pet and parent, as most cat charms can't mimic the movement of prey without the help of a thoughtful human.
We cannot stress enough that you should put away any toys that include thin strings like the GoCat Da Bird whenever you aren’t monitoring your cats’ play. The main reason for this is that they risk chewing it off and swallowing it, however, becoming entangled presents dangers as well, particularly strangulation. Similarly, the small bells and other bits on models like the ChicWow Telescopic can come loose if not properly maintained and block cats’ airway if they attempt to swallow them. With this in mind, it is always better to inspect your cat toys for weaknesses before using them.
Elsewhere, we ask you to please be mindful of how you play with your cat, as the sudden flicks of various strings can harm their more sensitive parts like the spaces between toes, their gums, and more. Finally, this type of toy is also notorious for being a tripping and slipping hazard, especially those with solid round shafts like the ChicWow Pet Exerciser, so again, please store them away when not in use.
Special Honors
The Shelter Project If you want to donate toys or anything else to animals in need, most authorities will point you to your nearest rescue shelter. As such, you'll need a trusty directory dedicated to finding them, and this site exists to assist with just that. So, when you've found that cat teaser your fur baby can't live without, please consider buying a second one and donating it to cats in need. Of course, if you end up also adopting another cat, that'd be just as great, if not better.
Cat Boutique Established in 2007, this manufacturer and purveyor of feline playthings was founded by breeders who have been competing in cat shows for about twenty years. All of their offerings are informed by the insights they've gained from their professional involvement with cats and are accordingly made with safety and durability in mind. Each toy is handmade in their Slovenian studio.