The 10 Best Billiard Cue Cases

This wiki has been updated 32 times since it was first published in February of 2016. As any regular pool or billiards player can tell you, the cues at the average pub are just a step above worthless. If you don't want to try your luck with a warped or curved piece of wood, it's best to take your own, which means you have to get it there safely. These cases will provide protection, transportation and storage suitable for everyone from casual players to professionals. When users buy our independently chosen editorial recommendations, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
April 28, 2020:
For this update, we removed the Iszy Billiards Hard Pool. Though it was a fine option, it was too similar to our other hard-bodied 1 butt/1 shaft models.
We also removed the Casemaster Deluxe due to issues with the hinge quality and overall ability to keep cues secure while in transport. One of our other hard-bodied option like the Casemaster Q-Vault or the Cuesoul Canister would be a better choice.
We added the Lucasi Brown because we lacked an option for those looking for a high-end soft case that could hold 2 butts and 2 shafts. It's not as bulky as our existing soft-sided leather option, the Pro Series Premium, but still gives off the same air of professionalism. It should be noted that these are both “leatherette” however, so if you’re looking for genuine leather you’ll have to raise your budget quite a bit.
If this is your first case, chances are your old cue isn’t in the best shape. Consider purchasing a new and improved cue to unveil the next time you’re at the pool hall.
And, if you’re interested in raising the level of your pool or billiard game even more, dedicated billiard gloves can provide the stability and control you’re looking for.
A Brief History Of Billiards
Billiards and pool both quickly became immensely popular in America.
Billiards is a game that traverses social classes. It has been played by kings and hustlers alike — assuming there's a difference — and continues to be a sport that entertains millions every year. As you might expect, the history of the game is as rich and varied as the competitors who play it.
The game's origins date back to the 15th century, where it was developed to be an indoor version of croquet. That's why tables use green felt — to simulate the grass of the croquet pitch.
In those days, the balls were pushed with devices called maces instead of struck by cues. In the early 1600s, the cue stick came along, as the maces weren't good along the rails. In those days, only men were allowed to use cues, as they thought women would accidentally rip the cloth with them. I can only assume that the first instance of a man getting struck with a pool cue occurred not long after that rule was introduced.
The Industrial Revolution allowed for great strides to be made in equipment quality; soon, tables were made of slate, walls of vulcanized rubber, and cues were adorned with leather tips.
The game crossed the pond in the early 19th century. British expats showed their Yankee cousins how to play, and Americans began to refer to the practice of putting spin on the ball as English as a result. The most popular games stateside were four-ball billiards and 15-ball pool, which would eventually turn into the popular pocket billiards game that's played today.
Billiards and pool both quickly became immensely popular in America. Eight-ball, nine-ball, and straight pool were all invented in rapid succession at the turn of the 20th century, allowing for more varied ways to quickly lose your money in poolrooms.
Meanwhile, back in England, snooker was catching on like wildfire. A form of billiards using 22 balls instead of three, snooker became one of the most popular pastimes in the U.K.
Billiards games of all forms would continue to grow in popularity until WWII. The war put a damper on most frivolous pastimes, and veterans returning from combat were more focused on things like realizing the American Dream than spending a day in a pool hall. However, the sport received renewed interest after the release of the Paul Newman movie The Hustler in 1961, and its popularity has remained steady ever since.
One major difference between billiards rooms of today and those a century ago is the presence of women. Once virtually forbidden at the tables, they're now fixtures at local poolrooms and on the tournament circuit.
While the game has changed greatly in the centuries of its existence, one thing remains the same: never bet against the person who brings their own stick.
Choosing The Right Billiards Cue Case
If you're serious about your game, then you're eventually going to want to get your own cue — and if you're serious about your cue, you'll want a case that can protect it.
The first consideration is how many sticks you'll need. If you're still getting your feet wet in the game, one is probably plenty, while experienced pros will want one for playing, another for breaking, and a final one for jumping. Some cases are designed for only a single cue, while others have room for multiple butts and shafts.
Likewise, some cases are made of softer materials like velour or leather, while others are made of hard plastic or wood.
The interior of the case is the most important part. Some are lined with fabric designed to wick away moisture so as to keep the sticks healthy, while others are packed with dense foam that protects them from impact. It's up to you which is a more important consideration, but just make sure that your cues don't rattle around or fall out easily.
Likewise, some cases are made of softer materials like velour or leather, while others are made of hard plastic or wood. This is, again, a personal consideration, dependent mostly on how hard you are on the case and whether you care about its aesthetics.
The last thing to consider are the bells and whistles. While some cases just have room for the cues and nothing else, others have pouches designed to store chalk, towels, or other sundry items. Do you need the extra room, or will it just take up space?
Finding the right cue case will help take your game to the next level, as you'll have an easy way to get quality sticks to the poolroom so that you won't have to rely on their warped, crooked cues. More importantly, a classy case will instantly mark you as a force to be reckoned with — and that mystique will last right up until the moment you send the cue ball flying off the table.
The Properly-Stocked Cue Case
Just having a good cue case isn't enough — you also need to stock it. Below are a few must-have items for any serious shark.
You don't want the shaft sticking to your fingers at an inopportune time, and if you're playing with pros, any time is an inopportune one.
The most important thing is to ensure that your tip stays in working order. This means a few pieces of high-quality chalk, as well as a shaping tool of some kind. After all, if your tip gets worn, your game will suffer — and that can get very expensive, very quickly (not that we condone gambling, of course).
Likewise, a shaft conditioner is useful, especially if you plan on playing marathon sessions. You don't want the shaft sticking to your fingers at an inopportune time, and if you're playing with pros, any time is an inopportune one.
If you have an expensive stick and plan on taking care of it, burnishing papers are a necessity. They can keep the shaft smooth and polished, and are lifesavers in case your cue gets damaged or nicked in some way.
Beyond that, there are a variety of accessories that are helpful, like bridgeheads, extensions, and spare cues. It's all a matter of what you feel you need and what you're willing to lug around.
Of course, the most important thing is to leave a lot of room for your winnings — or to pack light so you can make a quick getaway.